Cold cut recipes that will give you goosebumps this Halloween

October 27, 2017

One of the most anticipated events of the year for children, Halloween is just around the corner. But who says celebrations are limited to kids? If you’re planning your own party, how about some delicious recipes to go with the candy and horror flicks? Here are two sausage and deli meat recipes to help you celebrate Halloween in style.

Recipe: Mummy Sausages

Makes 12 servings.



  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Cut sausages in half.
  • Unroll and cut the puff pastry into long, fine strips.
  • Wrap each half sausage with the strips in a criss-cross fashion for a mummy look.
  • Brush the egg yolk on the pastry.
  • Bake in oven for approximately 10 minutes, until pastry is golden and sausages are cooked.

Recipe: Halloween Mini Pizza


  • 1 pizza dough
  • 8 tablespoons of tomato sauce
  • 8 slices of Roma pizzeria pepperoni
  • Black olives
  • Mozzarella


  • Spread out the pizza dough. With a cookie cutter, cut circles approximately 2 inches in diameter.
  • Spread a tablespoon of tomato sauce onto the dough and add a slice of pepperoni
  • Cut fine strips of mozzarella
  • For mummy pizzas, lay the mozzarella strips in a criss-cross fashion mimicking mummy bandages. Add two slices of olives for eyes.
  • For spider pizzas, lay the mozzarella strips in the form of webs, adding black olives for the spiders.

There are no limits to decorating your dishes, so let your imagination go, and add some spooky, delicious fun to your Halloween festivities!

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